L'Arche Sudbury

Volunteering at L’Arche

There are many opportunities to volunteer at L’Arche Sudbury.

Volunteering at L’Arche Sudbury

Some volunteers are long-term members of a community who develop deep and meaningful connections with other members. Other volunteers may come for a season or a project. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact volunteer.coordinator@larchesudbury.org

Here are some examples of volunteer activities:

  • Volunteering in a L’Arche home by helping to prepare and share a meal
  • Volunteering in a Community Program
  • Helping with special events and fundraisers
  • Volunteering in community or spiritual life activities
  • Helping with maintenance, gardening, etc.
  • One-on-one peer friendships
  • Assisting with fundraising programs (example: Monthly Bingo Helpers)

To volunteer with us, please email volunteer.coordinator@larchesudbury.org